IP Lookup

Use this tool to get approximate location and other details associated with a given IP address.
This tool uses geolocation databases to estimate the location of an IP address, which typically provides city-level accuracy but may not be precise.
It can also provide information about the IP address range owner (often an ISP) and other related details.
Keep in mind that IP geolocation is not always accurate and should not be relied upon for critical applications.

Similar tools

Reverse IP Lookup

Find domains/hostnames associated with a given IP address.

DNS Lookup

Retrieve A, AAAA, CNAME, MX, NS, TXT, and SOA DNS records for any hostname.

SSL Lookup

Retrieve detailed information about an SSL certificate.

Whois Lookup

Retrieve detailed registration information for a domain name.


Check the reachability of a website, server, or port.


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